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Opening Price
0.56497Previous Closing Price
The Indicators feature provides value and direction analysis for various instruments under a selection of technical indicators, together with a technical summary.
This feature includes nine of the commonly used technical indicators: MACD, RSI, KDJ, StochRSI, ATR, CCI, WR, TRIX and MA. You may also adjust the timeframe depending on your needs.
Please note that technical analysis is only part of investment reference, and there is no absolute standard for using numerical values to assess direction. The results are for reference only, and we are not responsible for the accuracy of the indicator calculations and summaries.
AUD/CHF Trading Strategy
Trading Strategy
Alternative scenario: the downside breakout of 0.5646 would call for 0.5629 and 0.5619.
Alternative scenario
below 0.5646, expect 0.5629 and 0.5619.
as long as 0.5646 is support look for 0.5698.