
Microsoft’s LinkedIn lays off 200 employees- The Information

Investing.comNov 22, 2024 5:29 AM LinkendIn laid off about 200 employees over the past two weeks, The Information reported on Thursday, with the cuts happening within the engineering and customer support departments.

The social network for professionals, which is owned by Microsoft, cut about 1% of its workforce in its latest round of layoffs, The Information reported, citing a LinkedIn spokesperson. 

LinkedIn had trimmed about 2000 roles in 2023, as it moved to reduce expenses in the face of slowing revenue and sluggish advertising sales. The layoffs also came amid a broader round of job cuts in the technology sector.

LinkedIn parent Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) has steadily cut roles over the past two years, with its latest round of layoffs being directed at the Xbox gaming division in September. 

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